
Config Management GUI

A new and easier way to work with Mona!

Hey everyone, we are very happy and excited to announce our new Config Management Graphic User Interface!
No more will you need to download the config JSON file and edit it manually! Now with our new GUI, all config changes can be done directly within your dashboard.

In your configurations page you will now find new buttons to add or edit context classes, fields, stanzas, verses, notifications and more. Each button will open a new window where you can define these objects and parameters.

Adding a new field can be done in the context class card by clicking “add field”. In the add field window you can choose the field name, type, source and a field-build-function if you need to use one. Then click “add field” and the new field will be added to your configuration.
Note: After adding a new field, you should run a backfill on the affected context class via the admin-backfill page in order for Mona to write the new field.

When adding a new stanza you can first add stanza global defaults which will affect all stanzas in your context class.

Then you can create stanzas by clicking on the “add stanza” in the stanzas tab. You can then add a stanza name, default parameters for this stanza alone and verses which are the core component of the monitoring alerts and their parameters.
List on the left will show you all possible verse types. Each param value is defined as the default value but can be overwritten. Once all is defined, save your new stanza and Mona will automatically start searching for anomalies based on your stanza and will send an email once it's done.