How to Upload a New Config Using the Python SDK
Besides configuring Mona via the configuration page in the dashboard, users can upload a new config file to Mona via our Python SDK. (see SDK installation here).
Mona's SDK provides a simple way to upload a new Mona configuration, using my_client.upload_config()
config: Your new Mona configuration represented as a python dict (both the configuration dict with your user_id as the top key and just the configuration dict itself are accepted).
commit_message: A short description of the changes that were made.
author: An email address identifying the configuration uploader. Mona will use this mail to send updates regarding re-creation of insights upon this configuration change. When not supplied, the author will be the Client's api-key, and you will not get updates regarding the changes mentioned above. Must be provided when using un-authenticated mode.
new_configuration = {
"fields": <fields dict>,
"field_vectors": <field vectors dict>
"stanzas_global_defaults": <global defaults dict>,
"stanzas": <stansas dict>,
"notifications": <notifications dict>
author = ''
upload_result = my_client.upload_config(new_configuration, "My commit message", author)
# the return value format will be:
# upload_result == {
# "success": <was the upload successful>, (bool)
# "new_config_id": <the new configuration ID> (str)
You can also receive your current Mona configuration like this:
my_current_mona_config = my_client.get_config()
Or get a suggested configuration based on your data:
my_suggested_mona_config = my_client.get_suggested_config()
Updated over 2 years ago